Versionen im Vergleich


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Kommentar: Version published after converting to the new editor

Openforms consist of two parts:


  1. Editorial Work
  2. Administrative Work

Comment: Which tasks can be performed after logging into the admin frontend is dependent upon the groups or rather their access rights. Gray areas signify lack of access authorization.

Image Removed

Siehe auch:


  1. The frontend or the runtime instances
    The frontend generates the output forms by combining form content with the design and template settings from the backend.  For scaling reasons, several runtime instances can be created and run independently of one another.
  2. The backend or the admin & editorial instance
    In the backend, editors can create, edit, test and release forms, documents and other content in a modular manner. It also provides the ability to structure content, create custom templates or modules, and more. Administrators can create users in the backend, assign them to user groups and give them specific roles and rights. You can also configure the runtime instances and a test server here.