Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.

When completing a form, the data entered by the user are assigned to the correspondng form element. This data can be accessed in conditions and it can be saved for analyses analysis. In special paragraphs (such as data summary) the data that has been entered thus far can be displayed to the user at the end of the tab.  


In conditions a reply can either be adressed via a paragraph ID (if defined) or via the designation. In contrast to the designation, the paragraph ID is not visible to the user. Paragraph IDs may be short and consiceconcise, which can be an advantage for more complex processes. If the designation Name is used for a certain element, the expression %%name%% provides the entered value in a continuous text.  Transaktionen and Berechnungen are special cases.


Often the same identifiers are used for different questions, e.g. when a persons person's contact data is inquired. If we assume the corresponding boxes are contained in two question groups (person 1 and person 2), the name entered by the first person can be accessed via  person1.Name. If only Name has been set as a condition, it is not defined which answer is used. 


The data defined in Questionnaire > Global Values  are automatically added to responses upon being retrieved.  

Pre-defined Values

trackingIDWert des AufrufParameters trackingID


Eindeutiger Wert zur Kundenkommunikation


Projektspezifisch können weitere vordefinierte Werte zur Verfügung stehen.


Appears in Summary

For each formfield/each questionnaire page the option appears in summary can be selected. Only when this option is selected does the answer to this element appear in the summary.

Deleting Results while Skipping

 (Property of the Questionnaire Page)

If an already completed page that was only displayed conditionally is skipped (user goes back, changes the condition and carries on) the data that has already been enetered will be deleted provided that this option has been activated. Otherwise both values will be saved.