Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


The access to each document can be managed by the editor.

In order to manage document access one must switch to the tab ‘privileges in the corresponding document. There is a matrix depicted on this site. User groups can be added on the y-axis of said matrix. This can include user groups that access the document from the outside (End-Users) or users that are opening the document via the openforms platform and are authorized to edit it. The x-axis displays the different access types and the access rights may be separately granted to each group.

There is a differentiation between the following types of access:

Create: Only for users of the openforms- platform. This right applies every time when the user has to create a document.

Delete: Only for users of the openforms platform. A member of the group may delete the document.

Discover: Only for users of the openforms platform. The user can both see and open the document from the structure tree.

Unpublished Discovery: Only for users of the openforms platform. The user can see and view the document if it has not yet been published.

Edit: Only for users of the openforms platform. A member of this group may change/edit the document.

Publish: Only for users of the openforms platform. A member of this group may change the document’s status to ‘published’.

Read (strong): The published link may be opened and red by authenticated users.

Read (weak): The link may be opened by unauthenticated but knows known users (with cookies).This right is only available for projects in which this feature has been activated.

The following privileges can be set:

( - ): No privileges. The rights are passed down from a structurally higher document.

Yes: This group is granted this type of access to the document. .

No: The group is not granted this type of access to the document. .

( ) always means that the right was passed down from a structurally higher document.

Reduced Privileges vs. All Privileges

When the display-option ‘restricted privileges’ is selected only the groups and rights which the user has been granted access to and may edit are displayed. When ‘all rights’ is selected’ the entire matrix will be displayed. This is necessary in order for users to comprehend why they may not be able to access certain pages.