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Each entry field in a form can be validated directly during entry  with the help of a regular expression. Openforms supports Java regular expression to this end. In addition to the examples displayed below the website can be helpful.

Validierung am Beispiel eines Textfeldes

Validation using the example of a textfield

  • In the configuration area of a text box there is the possibility of selecting prefabricated regular expression from a dropdown menu.
  • In the box to the right you may also formulate your own regular expressions.
  • The Java Regex Syntax is to be followed
  • Directly underneath the selection for the regular expression there is a dropdown for the selection of a special validation component. The special validation components are specific to certain projects and therefore not available in every openforms version. .
    Here you may select from implemented more complex validations, e.g.:

            • EmailDNSValidation (the domain is verified)
            • IBAN Validator (checksum of the IBAN is verified) 
            • Abbreviation (Validates whether names were for example entered in the form " Max A. Mustermann" )


Examples for Regular Expressions

FieldValidation and ExplenationExplenation

The expression is divided into three part. Before the @ numbers, upper case and lower case letters, underscores, minus and full stop are allowed. Behind the the same rule applies. This is followed by a period. After the period  sind Zahlen, Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben ohne Umlaute, Unterstriche, Minus und . erlaubt. Hinter dem @ gilt exakt die gleiche Regel. Es folgt ein Punkt. Nach dem Punkt müssen noch mindestens 2 maximal 5 Buchstaben (groß oder klein) kommen. 

Das Symbol ^ bestimmt das die Eingabe vor dem @ mit den danach genannten zeichen erfolgen muss

Das Symbol $ bedeutet das die Eingabe mit den vor $ genannten Zeichen enden muss

Phone[\+0][0-9 /\-]+
The signs / and + can be used once at most. All numbers can be used once or numerous times.
First Name[a-zA-Z \-.,()+/?:'ÄäÖöÜüß]{1,35}
All signs may be used with the exception of brackets. There has to be a minimum of one sign and a maximum of 35 signs.