Document Properties


To avoid all documents having to be released seperately, one has the option of releasing all subordinate documents in one step along with the corresponding document (this is only possible if your software version does not include the four eyes principle).

In order for all subordinate documents to be released the parent document, i.e. the level from which the recursive publication is to be started, must have the status 'in production'.

In this case you can select the desired publication in the tab 'document properties' in the drop down 'recursive publishing'. If you select 'all', the status of all child documents will be changed to 'in production'.

NavigationThe document navigation that helps you maneuver between the tabs versions, privileges and document properties.
Recursive Publishing
Selecting whether the document shall be published recursively, i.e. whether all subordinate documents shall be published as well.
Alternative Tracking Path
Alternative path which is to be tracked. It will be replaced by content groups in the future.
Does not appear in the path of an external tracker
This document does not appear in the path of an external tracker
Referenced By
Reference to the elements which are cited in this document.