Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


An option is a content element of a multiple choice question. The option is shown as check box or as radio button, due to the configuration of multi selection.



Paragraph ID

Identifier, to reference the answers to this element


The label of this element.
If the paragraph ID is not set, the value of this field will be the key to the answer in the result set.


Additional explanations for the element.

Checked by Default

When selected, this option is checked by default.

Condition for Checked by Default

This option is checked by default if the given expression evaluates to be true.

Style Class

Additional style class for this element.

Reading Limited To Groups

If set, this paragraph is only visible for members of the selected groups. If not defined, this paragraph is always visible.

Content source

Reference to a shared module. The content of this element overrides the one of the shared module.


Comments concerning this element. This information is only visible for other editors. It will not appear on the generated pages.

Absatz ist einsetzbar

Paragraph can be inserted in

Mögliche Darstellungsformen

Possible Representation Forms

  • Option